I am an associate professor of economics, holding a joint appointment in the School of Public Policy and the Urban Studies Program at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada.
More About Me
Once upon a time, within the hallowed halls of higher education, I tread lightly along the established routes of Neoclassical economics. Its widespread acceptance notwithstanding, a persistent sense of skepticism shadowed my thoughts about its all-too-neat narratives.
This doctrine guided the initial chapters of my scholarly pursuits, from my days as a curious graduate student to my tenure as a faculty member. yet, as the seasons changed, the gospel according to Neoclassical began to read more like an old fairy tale than the modern-day economic scripture I yearned for.
So, I donned my critical cap and set off on an intellectual adventure, poking holes in the once impenetrable positivist narrative of my field. My academic escapades have since shifted gears, steering towards a more vibrant and critical lane, examining the interplay between economics and ideology and advocating for a diversified economic discourse.
My foray into self-reinvention is not a new tale. It resonates with the days I embarked for Canada to dive into graduate studies, trading the familiar for the starkly contrasting and diverse Canadian terrain, and in doing so, discovering new layers of my identity not unlike the relentless shedding and renewal of leaves. It seems that an affinity for enriching plot twists is part of my very fabric; I am a cinephile, after all.
Research Interests

Economic Inequality
Structures and mechanisms that generate and perpetuate inequality, especially among disadvantaged groups in society.
Public Attitudes Towards Immigration
What are the main underlying factors that shape public attitudes towards immigration?
Economics and Ideology
What is the role of ideology and ideological bias in neoclassical economics?
Political Economy
How economic theories and policies intersect with political processes and ideologies, Focusing on the distribution of wealth and power within societies.